
For Kindergarten Readiness

Language Arts

•Recognize and write the alphabet in upper and lower cases.

•Write own name.

•Learn the letter sounds

•Read and blend simple words phonetically.

•Identify and name colors.

•Identify and name of basic and more complex shapes.

•Understand the calendar. Name the months and days of the week.

•Develop attention span, vocabulary, and listening skills through book reading program.

•Develop ability to translate personal thoughts, recall events, and articulate into sentences and talk in front of group through show and tell activities.


•Recognize, count and write numbers.

•Develop basic math concepts such as patterning,sorting, addition and subtraction.

•Recognize and compare shapes, sizes, and quantities. 

•Do simple addition & subtraction.

Character Education

•Good-character traits are introduced through daily reading of Award Winning “Help Me Be Good” book series.

(i.e. Theme such as Obedience, Tell the Truth, Selfish, Destructive …)

•Good-character concept is reinforced through repetitive discussion, explanation, demonstration and application to daily activities where it is appropriate.

•Develop concepts of good citizenship and compassionate value toward the less fortunates.

Social/Emotional Development

•Develop the ability to assume responsibility and work independently.

•Learn to interact, share, and cooperate within a peer group.

•Learn the disciplinary of rules and the carrying out of consequences.

•Learn to identify feelings in one self and others.

Arts and Crafts

•Develop creativity, imagination and ideas through art projects, songs and dances.

•Express feelings and build self-confidence.

Logic/Thinking Skills

•Reason out, patterning, sequencing, likeness and difference, before and after, etc.

Science/Social Studies

•Develop the curiosity necessary to wonder why, what, when, and where through basic science activities.

•Develop an awareness of facts related to nutrition and health.

•Learn through dramatic/role play about: Seasons, Safety, Community Service, Transportation, Animals, Insects, Dinosaurs…

Fine Motor Development

•Develop small muscle control through writing, coloring, cutting, and puzzles.

Gross Motor Development

•Foster the ability to run, gallop,jump, hop, skip, throw, and dance through participation in individual andgroup games and playground activities.

California State Forms

  In the spirit of going GREEN, Bebe Preschool will not hand out all forms to potential clients unless requested. If you find our program is a good fit and want to enroll your child, have our confirmation of opening or have visited Bebe Preschool, please print, complete and sign the following required California State forms (under Title 22, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations):

1) Identification and Emergency Information:  LIC700  

2) Consent for Medical Treatment: LIC627 

3) Parent Notification: LIC9150 

4) Child pre-admission Health History-Parent’s Report:  LIC702 

5) Receipt for Parent’s Rights:  LIC995A 

6) Child’s current Immunization Record is required.


The following State required documents are for your rights,

protections and to keep :

Care Giver Background Check Process: LIC995E

Family Day Care Consumer Awareness Information: LIC9212

Bebe Preschool Forms

It may seem that you are sending your child to college but please bare with us and complete, sign the additional forms from our school:


(408) 219-4437


Near Ocala Ave. & White Rd.

San Jose, CA 95148