Menu & Themes
Monthly Menu
In addition to seasonal fruit and milk, breakfast is rotated weekly as follow:
Mon - Sweet Bread/Waffle
Tues - Cereal
Wed - Croissant Bread/Pancake
Thurs - Cereal
Fri - French Toast/Hash Brown
In addition to seasonal fruit/vegetable and milk, hot lunch & dinner is rotated monthly with the below meals (not necessarily in order):
Week 1: Crab Rice Noodle Soup / Bún Riêu, Rice & Stew Coconut Juice Pork & Eggs/ Cơm Thịt Kho Nước Dừa, Spagetti, Fried rice with Corn & Egg / Cơm Chiên Trứng, Chicken Nuggets
Week 2: Sausage Rice Noodle Soup/ Bún Chã, Rice with Saute Tuna fish / Cơm Tuna Kho, Rice Noodle & saute meat & veggies / Hũ-Tiếu Xào, Rice & Stew Beef /Cơm Thịt Bò Kho, Pizza
Week 3: Chicken Rice Noodle Soup / Phỡ Gà, Rice & Rotisserie Chicken / Cơm Gà Roti, Egg Noodle & saute veggie & meat / Mi` Xào, Rice & Beef Potato / Cơm Thịt Bò Xào Khoai Tây, Garlic Bread & Sausage/Eggs
Week 4: Chicken Soup & Pasta / Nuôi Gà, Rice & Saute Vietnamese Sausage / Cơm Chã Kho, Rice & Fishstick / Cơm Cá Fishstick, Fried Rice With Eggs & Sausage / Cơm Chiên Lạp Xưỡng, Turkey Sandwich/Ham Sanwich
Week 5: Egg Noodle & Wonton / Mì Hoành-Thánh, Chicken Rice Noodle Soup / Hũ-Tiếu
Note: Bebe Café reserves the right to modify the menu.
Monthly Themes
All About Me
Farm Animals
Fire Safety
Fall Harvest
Thanksgiving/Donation of can goods
Animals in Winter
Five senses/Body parts
Merry Christmas/Donation of toys
Snow and Mittens
Getting along with others
Polar Animals
Tet – Vietnamese New Year
Rhyming Words
Fairy Tales/ Shadows
Valentines Day
Terrific Teeth
Community Helpers
Lady bugs & Bees & Caterpillars & Butterflies
Nursery rhymes
Taking Care of the Earth/Recycle
Easter & Baby animals
Mother’s Day / Feelings
Vegetable garden / Grocery Store
Opposite concepts (large-small, hot-cold,...)
Father’s Day
Ocean / Zoo
Preposinional Terms (above, below, in, out...)
Ice Cream & Picnic
Outer Space
Note: Modification of themes may occur as needed to accomodate the pace of the students.